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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 2

ISBN:184171 464 X
Naslov:Limes XVIII = Proceedings of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000), A conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaelogy at the University of Liverpool / Philip Freeman,Julian Bennett,Zbigniew T.Fiema,Birgitta Hoffman
Impresum:Oxford : BAR , 2002
Materijalni opis:945 str : ilustr. ; 25cm
Nakladnička cjelina:BAR International Series 1084 (II)
Napomena:Vol. II, BAR International Series 1084 ( II )
Ključne riječi:rimska vojska * limes * Legija III galica * August * Legija X Gemina * Tilurium-Gardun * Bigeste * Burnum * Dunav
Signatura:C-003 903 LIMES
Inventarni broj:10242a
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za arheologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/arheologija

ISBN:184171 463 1
Naslov:Limes XVIII = Proceedings of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000), A conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaelogy at the University of Liverpool / Philip Freeman,Julian Bennett,Zbigniew T.Fiema,Birgitta Hoffman
Impresum:Oxford : BAR , 2002
Materijalni opis:945str. : ilustr. ; 25 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:BAR International Series 1084 (I)
Napomena:Vol. I,BAR International Series 1084 (I)
Ključne riječi:rimska vojska * limes * Legija III galica * August * Legija X Gemina * Tilurium * bigeste * Burnum * Dunav
Signatura:V, A 3 903 LIMES
Inventarni broj:10242
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za arheologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/arheologija

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(Legija III galica )
